Sure glad to see the peas sprouting up, after two weeks! Looking closely, I spotted one fearless adventurer poking above the soil. Over the next days, many others broke through, beginning to define the three short rows. The folded leaves were very small, but with miraculous structure, like the tiny fingers of a baby.

Tiny two-leaved lettuce seedlings also created a delicate green sparkle. The six larger "Ruby Red" transplants are also getting established nicely (not shown). First pickings of select leaves could begin in only a week or two. Weather has been excellent for seed germination (regular rain) and for growth of cool weather plants. A rain collection barrel, conveniently located alongside the house, near to my front yard Victory Garden, has provided daily water on sunny days.

Checking my seed collection from previous years for early season planting possibilities, I found some Kohlrabi seedlings from 1998. I took a chance on these, planting about 5-10 seeds in six different places. A fun and unusual vegetable to grow. Using intensive planting techniques this year, to make the most a small sunny garden plot. Similar to "
Square Foot Gardening", only more free form.
The potatoes haven't yet arrived. I was hoping to get them in the ground this Patriots day, but it looks like that will have to wait until next weekend. In the back garden, the hellebore flowers have been putting on a wonderful show, despite being under snow at the beginning of April.
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