Took a walk on Saturday afternoon, January 24, 2008 around the Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, a Mass Audubon Society property, at 10 Juniper Road, Belmont MA. The temperature was in the 30s, with some wind. The wind was audible, whistling through the pine trees high overhead. Also heard rustling of some oak leaves that have hung on all winter, some lyrical birds, and the occasional tree branch clunking against another as it moved in the wind. The sky was visible through the bare treetops, more so than in summer when the canopy is dense with leaves. The birch grove shined brightly, vividly white. The dense trees shielded walkers from the wind. Especially in the sun, I was quite comfortable when walking around. As usual, you may click on photos to see them larger.
A great place to ward off the effects of nature deficit. Very close to Arlington. Plenty of parking, visitor center has rest rooms.